
hey dreamers!


don’t worry! we aren’t leaving Durango! We are actually going to be moving right into the heart and center of it all and we just can’t wait!

What does this mean for you?

well, for locals and visitors alike: easy pickup from an in town location! we are also hoping to set up shop in our garage and give you the option of dropping into the studio for a visit [likely by appointment only].
for my faraway folks: I’ll be closer to the post office! and now you have a reason to come visit!

as you likely found, my online shop option has been disabled. fiber&glaze will [cross our fingers] be back up and running as soon as possible. apologies for any inconvenience!!

for anyone waiting for your custom order— apologies for another delay. ❤️ these things take time and changes like these don’t help exactly. I’m so thankful for your patience and I promise your goodies will be worth the wait!

We are SO looking forward to these new beginnings. Thank you for being a part of it all. We couldn’t do it without you ❤️

you can stay in touch for the time being through Instagram as we are most active on that platform. @fiberandglaze

